Fat Loss Rules : HIIT and bodyweight exercises are not meant for everyone.
Here’s a quick weight loss tip
Quick Weight Loss Tip
Fat Loss Rule #1: Adjust Your Diet
You’ve probably heard that you can’t “out-train” (or out-cardio) your diet, right?
Fat loss doesn’t have to be painfully hard, but it does require changes that result in you eating few enough calories so your body can burn fat.
While many diets will suggest there’s another barrier — whether it’s carbohydrates and insulin, or gluten and inflammation, or lectins and toxins — science has shown over and over again that you need a caloric deficit to lose weight.
Your belly comes from eating too many unused calories. If you overeat, you’ll store fat, regardless of what foods those calories come from.
This massive guide, based on our years of experience, walks you through the fat loss process step-by-step. It even includes a full, 12-week strength training program for you to follow.
Do you know what’s not a good idea right now? HIIT.
We’ve moved most of our clients to bodyweight workouts (and the ones who have home gyms, to modified versions of their training plan).
So, what do these workouts look like? Burpees, jumping jacks, anything where you are leaving the ground followed by little rest?
Training at home is very similar to exercise at the gym. It’s about getting better and stronger, week-over-week.
It’s not about smoking yourself with negative rest periods (less rest than the amount of time it took you to complete the exercise).
Those workouts can be fun from time to time (for a certain demographic).
But, the fact is, using exhaustion to rate your workout “success” isn’t a good idea.
Plus, bodyweight HIIT workouts are a recipe for injury (and it’s my job to help our clients train hard pain-free). Most of us are just not prepared for timed, high-impact exercises like jump squats.
If you’re looking to get back into the gym when they open. Think again. You might feel safe, but will they be safe?
PRIVATE STUDIO UPDATE- The Virus Is Less Likely to Spread with 1 on 1 Private Fitness sessions.
1-on-1 Personal Training Sessions Are Safer Than The Gym, Bootcamps, and Group classes.
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