Meet Terry Waters.

A former college wrestler and baseball player. I grew up working out with resistance training. Taking care of your body becomes a lifestyle. When we are younger, we think it’s going to last forever.
Then you meet the right girl, get married start a family.
A few beers here and there. That extra slice of pie, some oreo cookies, watching the ball game on Saturday and Sunday. The next thing you know, Terry is 40 pounds heavier than he’d been in college.
His blood pressure was nudging up into the danger zone, he is now a type 2 diabetic.
That’s when he realized his father, whom he didn’t consider an old man had been rushed to the hospital for heart surgery at the young age of 65.

Terry recalls, “I saw what had happened to my father, I didn’t want to go there if I could avoid it.” He decided it was time.
There are just so many men out there that fall into that scenario as they start a family. Your priorities change. That 36 waist is now 42 as your belly done lapped over your belt and you bought some XL shirts you don’t tuck in anymore.
You look up and you’re turning 50. You have suffered from low energy for years. You have a physical, and the doctor tells you what you already know. Exercise, change your diet, and lose weight. It’s been nearly 30 years since you were that athlete you always considered yourself. It’s like you are starting over. You do not work out at 50 as we did in about ’20s. And know I’m working our for health and wellness, not bulking muscles. I want to move better, feel better, get strong, and have more endurance to walk up the stairs. Where do you start, how do you begin?

If you are over 40 and want to continue to do the things you NEED to do, LIKE to do, and WANT to do, and enjoy doing them, then it’s imperative you start a Resistance Training workout program.

Feel Better – Live Better

To talk with Chris. Call text 214-457-9684

Or simply fill out the form and he will be back with you within the hour.

Get started.

Chris Ownbey

Resistance Training for men and women 40 and over:

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