Skip The Sit Ups | Do This Instead​

fit over 40 Carrollton Tx stop the sit ups and reduce back pain.

Want a stronger core – skip the sit ups

Today we will answer the 3 questions from the past.

  • Are sit ups effective?
  • Can sit ups do you harm?
  • Can you spot reduce a muscle?

Sit-ups once ruled as the way to tighter abs and a slimmer waistline, while “planks” were merely flooring. Now plank exercises, in which you assume a position and hold it, are the gold standard for working your core, while classic sit-ups and crunches have fallen out of favor. Why the shift?

fit over 40 Carrollton Tx stop the sit ups and reduce back pain.

" Did you know in the mid and late 80’s I would perform 100, 200, 300 sit ups a day. "

It was the go-to exercise in football, in the Marine Corp, heck, people thought you could spot reduce. And if you did a thousand sit ups a day, one would obtain a flat stomach.

Thank goodness we have become more educated about how the body works and now understand that sit-ups are hard on your back — they push your curved spine against the floor and work your hip flexors, the muscles that run from the thighs to the lumbar vertebrae in the lower back. When the hip flexors are too strong or too tight, they tug on the lower spine, which can create lower back discomfort.

Second, plank (bridge) exercises recruit a better balance of muscles on the front, sides, and back of the body during exercise than do sit-ups, which target just a few muscles. (mostly lower back)

Finally, activities of daily living, as well as sports and recreational activities, call on your muscles to work together, not in isolation. Sit-ups or crunches strengthen just a few muscle groups. Through dynamic patterns of movement, a good core workout like plank exercises helps strengthen the entire set of core muscles you use every day. ”  Harvard Health “

" You needn't spend a cent on fancy equipment to get a good core workout. "

The following items can help you put a new twist on your core exercises. Most of them can already be found around your house or are available at low cost from a sporting goods store.

For more ways to challenge your core muscles, read my new released e-book “Turn back the clock” Here I coach men and women 40 and older to be healthy and fit.

  • Mat. Use a nonslip, well-padded mat. Yoga mats are readily available. A thick carpet or towels will do in a pinch.
  • Medicine balls.Similar in size to a soccer ball or basketball, medicine balls come in different weights. Some have a handle on top. A 4-pound to 6-pound medicine ball is a good start for most people.
  • Bosu. A Bosu Balance Trainer is essentially half a stability ball mounted on a heavy rubber platform that holds the ball firmly in place.
  • Bands. Strength and resistance training with exercise bands is one of the best ways to strengthen your core.

For more ways to challenge your core muscles, read my new released e-book “Turn back the clock” Here I coach men and women 40 and older to be healthy and fit.

Don’t feel older. Look and Feel Better

Chris Ownbey
30+ Years Certified Personal Trainer

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