Welcome to Fit Over 40 with Chris Ownbey - Personal Trainer for Men 40+ in Dallas
“Chris is the best Personal Trainer I have ever had Period”
Ronald M. Blair, M. D Forest Lane Pediactrics Frisco
Are you waking up every morning feeling sluggish, achy, and just overall not very good?
Have you put on a couple of pounds, lost muscle tone, and strength?
Does it seem like you just don’t have the energy and stamina you had 10 years ago?
Is your doctor telling you to work out to help with high cholesterol or some other health condition?
Here are the key benefits you can expect to gain with the Fit Over 40 program:
These benefits make Fit Over 40 a powerful tool for transforming health and fitness as we age!
Looking for workouts for men 40 and over?
Stuck in your current program? Looking for something new?
Give me a call 214-457-9684
or fill out the form below to schedule a 30 – minute meet and greet session.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Talk soon,
Chris Ownbey
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