TPI Certified Golf Fitness Carrollton tx Instructor

Move Better – Play Better

Chris, I’m losing distance off the tee!
Why? Because I’m getting older and losing flexibility!
So, if we can increase your flexibility, improve your core stability and recreate any improper movement patterns. Then you can increase your speed and get distance back correct? Correct!!!!
This is the typical call I receive everyday from golfers.
If this sounds like you, keep reading. I think I can help.

Are you looking to improve your body for a better game? Flexibility may be your issue. Core strength, balance, or physical strength loss is a factor. It could be just one thing or any combination of things that work together against your game.
When training for golf, the exercises should focus on developing your body to the positions, movements, and physical requirements for a consistent golf swing.
This training program is not about vanity, it’s about longevity. We are not trying to build big bulky muscles.  We are trying to increase flexibility, core strength, balance in a way that will not be counter productive to your golf swing. It’s to train the muscles in the golf swing to create a more consistency, power, speed, distance and to play pain free golf.

Meet The Owner of the Chris Ownbey Golf Fitness located in Dallas Tx.

Known as the “Trainer to The Golfers”

Fitness has always been Chris Ownbey’s passion.

His history includes success as a bodybuilder, a mixed martial arts competitor and state powerlifting champion. 

Chris’s success as a performance coach has comes from his big heart and desire to help and empower others.

Chris holds certifications through:

  •  National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • American Council on Exercise
  • National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association
  • Titleist Performance Institute, Levels 1&2. 

Public appearances:

  • North Texas Golf Expo 
  • PGA of America
  • ESPN Radio 
  • Good Morning Texas Special golf addition.


  • Avid Golfer – Golf swings and hamstrings
  • Golfer’s MD – How to eliminate back pain
  • Titleist Performance Institute – Golf for seasoned golfers
  • DFW Links – How to peak for your club championship
  • Burb Living Today – Golf fitness for your health and your game

  Ebooks :

  • Yes, you can regain your flexibility
  • How to Peak for your club championship
  • Turn back the clock

Chris has over 30 years in the golf and fitness industry. 

His motto is simple

Show up. Add value. Be the best you can be both on and off the course. Perform better, have more energy, lose the weight, get stronger, live longer and play better.

Flexibility transcends all sports, occupations and human activities. Flexibility is crucial to longevity and quality of life. 

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